Crown- and Model declaration at the CI, how does it actually work?

De CK 2023: van 13 tot en met 16 september

By the KFPS Inspection

In the run-up to the Central Inspection we would like to explain how Crown- and Model declaration actually take place.


In order to qualify for participation in the Central Inspection it is necessary to obtain a first premium (foals, yearlings, 2-year-olds, 3-year-olds) or a referral (Star- and Crown mares) at a location- or Studbook inspection, or breeding day. A first premium or referral can be obtained in case the assessment for exterior and movement lies well above the breed average. This entails a weighted average of the marks for exterior (breeding type, conformation, legwork) and movement (walk and trot) whereby the movement elements count double compared to the exterior elements. Movement can compensate for exterior and vice versa. Good test results of an ABFP or IBOP are positively considered and can replace the marks for in-hand movement in order to achieve a first premium or referral. The only condition for the inclusion of test results is that the in-hand movement has to be regular and does not show any noticeable deviation in movement sequence.

Central Inspection

The Central Inspection is the platform where the best foals and horses of the inspection season are presented. Foals and youngsters can compete for champion titles. Along with the championships, the 3-year-old and older horses can also be upgraded to the Crown- and Model predicate. These predicates are awarded to the better-quality Star- and Crown mares. But how does this Crown- and Model declaration actually take place? Here everything is explained.

Crown declaration

First-premium Star mares are presented again at the CI. Here they start with a clean slate and are assessed by the Inspection conform the guidelines for Crown declaration. This means that the exterior (breeding type, conformation, legwork) and movement or sport aptitude are assessed separately. Since these are the highest exterior predicates of our Studbook, the demands for exterior are very high and compensation by way of movement, as is the case with awarding a first premium, is no longer possible. On breeding type, conformation and legwork the mare needs to achieve scores very close to the breeding goal, which translates into a minimum score of an average 7.5 or higher.
There is an additional requirement for movement or sport aptitude. Horses that have so far not completed a test are required to show a more than above-average in-hand walk and trot at the CI in order to qualify for the preliminary Crown predicate. This situation applies to the majority of 3-year-old mares since only a few mares in this category have already completed an ABFP test. If the mare has a satisfactory test result (AA score with an average of 7 on walk, trot and canter and no marks below a 6), then in combination with a Crown-worthy exterior this is enough to obtain the Crown predicate. In-hand movement as well as movement sequence however, have to be correct. There is one exception in relation to the Crown declaration. Horses with an AAA score can use this to compensate for a minor shortcoming in exterior so that they can be awarded the Crown predicate.

Model declaration

The Model predicate can be awarded to Star- and Crown mares aged seven years and older who have nursed at least one foal. The CI is the event where the better-quality Star- and Crown mares are invited for the Model declaration later in the day. This being the highest predicate, no concessions can be made in relation to exterior. Durability in conformation and movement plays a key role. Mares need to have satisfactory horizontal quality in body shape, satisfactory strength in the topline and not too much slope in the croup. The legwork has to be correct in terms of stance and quality. Here too the rule applies that the exterior must be close to the breeding goal. Most of these mares already have a test result. An AA score suffices for Model declaration. The in-hand walk and trot also need to show durability. Mares with only a Sport predicate are required to demonstrate in-hand movement that lies well above the breed average.
We are looking forward to the presentation of the crème de la crème of the past inspection season and wish success to all entrants and training stables!

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